“I would fly without breaks just to talk a bit more”

Marker on Canvas 48”x72”

I miss you, I miss talking to you, I miss seeing you and touching you. I miss your hugs. Your hugs were so mundane and everyday, now they feel like a privilege. I miss you.

“The passing train - This ship has sailed”

Marker on Canvas 60“ X 72”

In our younger years we are so scared of missing our train, that we don’t stop to think in what train are we jumping into, where is this train going? Can I leave the train? Is there a next stop? Choosing our journey is risky, it might take more time, and we might need to let go of a lot of trains without knowing if a next one will appear.

“The sun may not shine but we need to bloom”

Marker on Canvas 48”x72”

Resilience is not made by harsh times, is formed and nurtured in soft times. We grow strong when we are loved, when we laugh, when we are not alone. Resilience is discovered in crisis but is born in those times when we are just contained.

“Believe me love, Im not that dumb”

Mix media on Canvas 48”x72”

An ode to leisure, done for those that have the patience to observe. To rest is to think, to question, to connect. Idleness is a limited resource not by necessity but intentionally created, sustained and fomented for numbness.